06 Jun / Jurassic Park: Mobile Virtual Reality

This Friday June 5th was the debut of Jurassic World’s (Jurassic Park’s) new mobile virtual reality experience in selected Bestbuy’s across the United States. Samsung created this virtual reality experience for the promotion of Jurrassic World and the release of their soon to be consumer grade Gear VR mobile virtual reality headset.
Here’s what people got to experience:
“The experience started, and I found myself in a stunning forest looking straight at a Brontosaurus relaxing in front of me. A few seconds later, I heard a screech, and looked above to witness a Pterodactyl flying across the sky. A huge smile crept across my face and stayed there the entire time.
Before I knew it, the large Brontosaurus gets up and slowly moves his head around to look right at me. He then leans in to get a better look, and I do the same, while reaching out to try and touch it. I can’t put a finger on the exact feeling I had at that moment, but I felt a innate connection with the Brontosaurus. It then stood up on it’s legs and came crashing towards the ground right in front of me, and I almost jumped out of the chair. The experience then came to an end. It lasted about 3 minutes.”
This is just another example of how brands are connecting with their customers with a more experienced based approach. Mobile Virtual reality is truly changing how we interact with brands.
Read more here: Gear VR Jurassic World
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